A group of Australian War Correspondents visited a PoW camp and found shocking conditions of cruelty.
A group of Australian War Correspondents visited a PoW camp and found shocking conditions of cruelty. The camp was about fifteen miles out of Yokosuka Naval Base, and the Corespondents were the first to find the POWs. The camp was not registered (with the International Red Cross) and all the 103 occupants, comprising ninety eight Americans, four British and one New Zealander, were reported dead some time ago. The men had been cruelly beaten and maltreated, but for the past week or two they had better treatment and were given a chance to pick up. American planes had dropped comforts and clothing to them. The Japanese guards who had beaten the men were taken from the camp and replaced by others a week before the occupation. Almost every day "Bimbo" beatings were administered. Here Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Harold Newman RN of Carshalton, Surrey, England, assumes the position only too well as the "Afuna crouch". He is demonstrating to the Australian officers, the cr...